Alan Johnson is a music producer and recording engineer at the Static Shack in Indianapolis where for over 40 years he has produced, recorded, mixed and mastered music for radio, television, films, and commercials.


The Static Shack is the musical home to the internationally broadcast Bob and Tom Radio Show where Alan has been the recording engineer and a co-producer for virtually the entire catalog encompassing over fifty albums.

Whether recording rock, country, blues, jazz, pop, or R&B the focus is always about the artist and song.

Alan has worked with a diverse number of artists, musicians, and songwriters such as Paul Rodgers, John Fogerty, The Byrds, Larry Crane, Duke Tumatoe, Pat Godwin, Steve Allee, Andrew Young, Heywood Banks, Rodney Carrington, Aimee Eisenmann, Tim Ayers, Tim Wilson, Lamar Campbell, Faith Marie, Rodney Stepp, Josh Earl Hurt, Jeffrey Thomas II, John Howcott, Cody Ikerd, and Special Guest To Be Announced.

In 2018 Alan produced a #1 Blues/Roots album "Defiance" for the Australian band Stormcellar.

In 2021 he produced a #1 comedy album "Way Back When" for comedian/singer-songwriter Pat Godwin.


Photo of the live room within the Static Shack recording studio
Live room with isolation room in background
View of the live room within the Static Shack
View of the live room within the Static Shack
Kawai grand piano within an isolation room
Hammond piano within isolation room
Picture of various outboard options
Hallway within the Static Shack lined with accolades
Audio racks up close
Microphone set to capture piano
Close up of Manley microphone

The Static Shack live room is 25’ x 35’ with three isolation booths.The control room is a LEDE design by Russ Berger.



Manley Reference Cardioid
Neumann U-47fet (2)
Royer R121 Ribbon
Neumann U-87
Coles 4038 (2)
Neumann KM-85 (2)
AEA R84 (2)
Neumann KM-86
AKG 414 EB (2)
Neumann KM-88
Josephson E22S (4)
Electro-Voice RE-20
AKG 451 (4)
Sennheiser 441 (2)
SE Z5600
Sennheiser 421 (3)
AKG D112
Sterling Audio ST55 (3)
Beyer M-101
Shoeps CMT-55
Shure SM-57 (2)
Shure SM-58 (6)
Groove Tube RT 66
Shure SM-87
Radio Shack PZM (2)
Mr. Microphone


Cubase 14
Yamaha DM2000
Apoggee A/D Convertors
RME 9652 Convertors
MCI/Sony JH-24
with AutoLocator III and Dolby SR
Tascam DA-30 DAT
MCI JH-110B Two-Track
1/4 and 1/2 inch heads


Vintech X73i mic pre
6 channels
API 3124 mic pre
4 channels
Demeter VLMP-2b mic pre
2 channels
TLA M3 Tubetracker
8 channels
Tube Tech LCA 2A Compressor
Drawmer DL241
4 channels
Urei 1176 Compressor
2 channels


Over 200 plugins including...
Steven Slate


Genelec 1031A
Yamaha NS-10
Auratone 4c Sound Cubes
Foxtex T-20 Headphones
Extreme Isolation Headphones
Furman HR-6 Headphone system


Contact Alan

Please contact for information on booking and any other inquiries.

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Static Shack: 5763 Park Plaza Court
                         Indianapolis, Indiana 46220